#154 of 366: Muddy Feet, Miley Cyrus, Sia

Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga both had the same reaction from me initially. Over the top fake-seeming personalities and songs…seeking shock factor through meat dresses and on-stage vulgarities.

I judged. Wasn’t curious. Ted Lasso faux pas.

Then one Thanksgiving Lady Gaga did a special with The Muppets. I watched that and completely 180’d on her. She was so sincere and honest during the whole thing, I was floored. Then I watched Gaga: Five Foot Two on Netflix and saw an honest person for the second time. Not a character. Then she was a character in A Star Is Born and I was floored by the talent and amazing performance.

My journey with Miley was more a musical discovery. Her rough-fucking-hewn lumber/gravel road voice is fantastic. As I gave her a chance and listened to more of her music, I appreciated her more.

Curiosity beats judgement. Be good, do good.

Author: irunjt

Physical Education teacher. There's really too much to explain in this little box. You'll just have to follow along on the blog. :)

2 thoughts on “#154 of 366: Muddy Feet, Miley Cyrus, Sia”

  1. I love the message of this one. A good reminder for me, always. To let go of judgement. What a gift to ourselves, and to everyone around us.

    Also, importantly, please see your post #55/366.

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