#143 of 366: Ledges, Noah Gundersen

I first heard Noah’s voice on his duet with Phoebe Bridgers, Killer + The Sound. See the P.S. at the end of this post for how much I love that song.

I love this song because it feels like it has a little bit of that country music heart, which is what I grew up on. But, I think I love it more because it also blends all that stuff together in a more indie way. This song will sound SO different from The Sound when you listen to it below! You’ll see what kind of range Noah has…and then you’ll be floored by Killer + The Sound. You’re welcome!

The entirety of North Cath is getting paved this week. It will be a daily exercise in patience for me. Join me in trying to be as Zen as possible regarding it. 🙂 That’s the intention I’m setting today. Like one of my all-time favorite people Alyssa Sample intoned to me once, “I will observe, not absorb”.

Be good, do good.

P.S. You NEED to listen to this song. The cool part? Killer, and The Sound, are separate songs by Phoebe, and Noah respectively.

All three are distinct. The combination of them creates one of the most beautiful songs I’ve heard in my life. They are joined on this song by Noah’s sister, Abby, and I’ll think you’ll see why it rates so highly for me. But listen to either song separately first, and then the combo.

Author: irunjt

Physical Education teacher. There's really too much to explain in this little box. You'll just have to follow along on the blog. :)

One thought on “#143 of 366: Ledges, Noah Gundersen”

  1. That was four songs in one post. Fortunately, they were good. Especially the duet/mashup.

    Good luck with the paving… a nice chance to slow down occasionally and see the world around you in a way you normally wouldn’t!

    Liked by 1 person

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